If you wish to change your day or time of pick up we will need to be notified one week ahead of time at which location you will be picking up your share box. Thank you for your cooperation



I understand that my full payment entitles me to a weekly share of the produce.


I understand that Lewis Educational Agriculture Farm will do its best to supply as much produce as possible and may have to bring in produce from other local farms to help supply product to fulfill my share.


I understand that there are risks involved in agriculture such as weather and crop failure.


I understand as a member of this CSA that I share in the risk and accept unforeseen outcomes. 


I understand that failure to pick up my share during the set pick up times without prior notification will result in loss of my share for the week and it will be donated to Bread For Life or Southington Social Services.


I understand that my payment is non refundable, but is transferable to another person by giving Lewis Educational Agriculture Farm 1 week written notification prior to transfer.



Shareholder Terms and Conditions 


The Lewis Educational Agricultural Farm


65 Blueberry Lane, Southington CT 06489

Mark (860) 919-6127